Psalms Analysis with Strong's Numbers                          
    1892 3444 3577 376 4131 4268 430 4869 5315 5542 5797 6697 982
062:001 <<To the chief Musician <05329> (8764), to Jeduthun <03038>, A Psalm <04210> of David <01732>.>> Truly my soul <05315> waiteth <01747> upon God <0430>: from him cometh my salvation <03444>.   salvation         God   soul        
062:002 He only is my rock <06697> and my salvation <03444>; he is my defence <04869>; I shall not be greatly <07227> moved <04131> (8735).   salvation     moved     defence       rock  
062:003 How long will ye imagine mischief <02050> (8779) against a man <0376>? ye shall be slain <07523> (8792) all of you: as a bowing <05186> (8803) wall <07023> shall ye be, and as a tottering <01760> (8803) fence <01447>.       man                  
062:004 They only consult <03289> (8804) to cast him down <05080> (8687) from his excellency <07613>: they delight <07521> (8799) in lies <03577>: they bless <01288> (8762) with their mouth <06310>, but they curse <07043> (8762) inwardly <07130>. Selah <05542>.     lies             Selah      
062:005 My soul <05315>, wait <01826> (8798) thou only upon God <0430>; for my expectation <08615> is from him.             God   soul        
062:006 He only is my rock <06697> and my salvation <03444>: he is my defence <04869>; I shall not be moved <04131> (8735).   salvation     moved     defence       rock  
062:007 In God <0430> is my salvation <03468> and my glory <03519>: the rock <06697> of my strength <05797>, and my refuge <04268>, is in God <0430>.           refuge God       strength rock  
062:008 Trust <0982> (8798) in him at all times <06256>; ye people <05971>, pour out <08210> (8798) your heart <03824> before <06440> him: God <0430> is a refuge <04268> for us. Selah <05542>.           refuge God     Selah     Trust
062:009 Surely men <0120> <01121> of low degree are vanity <01892>, and men <0376> of high degree are a lie <03577> : to be laid <05927> (8800) in the balance <03976>, they are altogether <03162> lighter than vanity <01892>. vanity   lie men                  
062:010 Trust <0982> (8799) not in oppression <06233>, and become not vain <01891> (8799) in robbery <01498>: if riches <02428> increase <05107> (8799), set <07896> (8799) not your heart <03820> upon them.                         Trust
062:011 God <0430> hath spoken <01696> (8765) once <0259>; twice <08147> have I heard <08085> (8804) this <02098>; that power <05797> belongeth unto God <0430>.             God       power    
062:012 Also unto thee, O Lord <0136>, belongeth mercy <02617>: for thou renderest <07999> (8762) to every man <0376> according to his work <04639>.       man