Psalms Analysis with Strong's Numbers              
    1984 2416 430 5315 6310 776 8193
063:001 <<A Psalm <04210> of David <01732>, when he was in the wilderness <04057> of Judah <03063>.>> O God <0430>, thou art my God <0410>; early will I seek <07836> (8762) thee: my soul <05315> thirsteth <06770> (8804) for thee, my flesh <01320> longeth <03642> (8804) for thee in a dry <06723> and thirsty <05889> land <0776>, where no <01097> water <04325> is;     God soul   land  
063:002 To see <07200> (8800) thy power <05797> and thy glory <03519>, so as I have seen <02372> (8804) thee in the sanctuary <06944>.              
063:003 Because thy lovingkindness <02617> is better <02896> than life <02416>, my lips <08193> shall praise <07623> (8762) thee.   life         lips
063:004 Thus will I bless <01288> (8762) thee while I live <02416>: I will lift up <05375> (8799) my hands <03709> in thy name <08034>.   live          
063:005 My soul <05315> shall be satisfied <07646> (8799) as with marrow <02459> and fatness <01880>; and my mouth <06310> shall praise <01984> (8762) thee with joyful <07445> lips <08193>: praise     soul mouth   lips
063:006 When I remember <02142> (8804) thee upon my bed <03326>, and meditate <01897> (8799) on thee in the night watches <0821>.              
063:007 Because thou hast been my help <05833>, therefore in the shadow <06738> of thy wings <03671> will I rejoice <07442> (8762).              
063:008 My soul <05315> followeth hard <01692> (8804) after <0310> thee: thy right hand <03225> upholdeth <08551> (8804) me.       soul      
063:009 But those that seek <01245> (8762) my soul <05315>, to destroy <07722> it, shall go <0935> (8799) into the lower parts <08482> of the earth <0776>.       soul   earth  
063:010 They shall fall <05064> (8686) by the sword <03027> <02719>: they shall be a portion <04521> for foxes <07776>.              
063:011 But the king <04428> shall rejoice <08055> (8799) in God <0430>; every one that sweareth <07650> (8737) by him shall glory <01984> (8691): but the mouth <06310> of them that speak <01696> (8802) lies <08267> shall be stopped <05534> (8735). glory   God   mouth