Psalms Analysis with Strong's Numbers                                                                                                  
    1121 1129 1254 1285 136 1732 1755 2142 2220 2233 2490 2617 2778 2781 3027 3045 3068 3117 3220 3225 341 3559 3678 410 4428 4899 4941 530 539 543 5439 5542 559 5650 5674 5769 5797 5971 6440 6697 6862 6918 6944 7161 7227 7311 7650 776 7760
089:001 <<Maschil <04905> (8688) of Ethan <0387> the Ezrahite <0250>.>> I will sing <07891> (8799) of the mercies <02617> of the LORD <03068> for ever <05769>: with my mouth <06310> will I make known <03045> (8686) thy faithfulness <0530> to all <01755> generations <01755>.             all         mercies       known LORD                     faithfulness               ever                          
089:002 For I have said <0559> (8804), Mercy <02617> shall be built up <01129> (8735) for ever <05769>: thy faithfulness <0530> shalt thou establish <03559> (8686) in the very heavens <08064>.   up                   Mercy                   establish           faithfulness         said     ever                          
089:003 I have made <03772> (8804) a covenant <01285> with my chosen <0972>, I have sworn <07650> (8738) unto David <01732> my servant <05650>,       covenant   David                                                       servant                         sworn    
089:004 Thy seed <02233> will I establish <03559> (8686) for <05704> ever <05769>, and build up <01129> (8804) thy throne <03678> to all <01755> generations <01755>. Selah <05542>.   up         all     seed                       establish throne                 Selah       ever                          
089:005 And the heavens <08064> shall praise <03034> (8686) thy wonders <06382>, O LORD <03068>: thy faithfulness <0530> also in the congregation <06951> of the saints <06918>.                                 LORD                     faithfulness                           saints              
089:006 For who in the heaven <07834> can be compared <06186> (8799) unto the LORD <03068>? who among the sons <01121> of the mighty <0410> can be likened <01819> (8799) unto the LORD <03068>? sons                               LORD             mighty                                                  
089:007 God <0410> is greatly <07227> to be feared <06206> (8737) in the assembly <05475> of the saints <06918>, and to be had in reverence <03372> (8737) of all them that are about <05439> him.                                               God             about                     saints     greatly        
089:008 O LORD <03068> God <0430> of hosts <06635>, who is a strong <02626> LORD <03050> like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness <0530> round about <05439> thee?                                 LORD                     faithfulness     about                                    
089:009 Thou rulest <04910> (8802) the raging <01348> of the sea <03220>: when the waves <01530> thereof arise <07721> (8800), thou stillest <07623> (8762) them.                                     sea                                                            
089:010 Thou hast broken <01792> <00> Rahab <07294> in pieces <01792> (8765), as one that is slain <02491>; thou hast scattered <06340> (8765) thine enemies <0341> (8802) with thy strong <05797> arm <02220>.                 arm                       enemies                               strong                        
089:011 The heavens <08064> are thine, the earth <0776> also is thine: as for the world <08398> and the fulness <04393> thereof, thou hast founded <03245> (8804) them.                                                                                               earth  
089:012 The north <06828> and the south <03225> thou hast created <01254> (8804) them: Tabor <08396> and Hermon <02768> shall rejoice <07442> (8762) in thy name <08034>.     created                                 south                                                          
089:013 Thou hast a mighty <01369> arm <02220>: strong <05810> (8799) is thy hand <03027>, and high <07311> (8799) is thy right hand <03225>.                 arm           hand         hand                                                   high      
089:014 Justice <06664> and judgment <04941> are the habitation <04349> of thy throne <03678>: mercy <02617> and truth <0571> shall go <06923> (8762) before thy face <06440>.                       mercy                     throne       judgment                       face                    
089:015 Blessed <0835> is the people <05971> that know <03045> (8802) the joyful sound <08643>: they shall walk <01980> (8762), O LORD <03068>, in the light <0216> of thy countenance <06440>.                               know LORD                                         people countenance                    
089:016 In thy name <08034> shall they rejoice <01523> (8799) all the day <03117>: and in thy righteousness <06666> shall they be exalted <07311> (8799).                                   day                                                       exalted      
089:017 For thou art the glory <08597> of their strength <05797>: and in thy favour <07522> our horn <07161> shall be exalted <07311> (8799) (8675) <07311> (8686).                                                                         strength             horn   exalted      
089:018 For the LORD <03068> is our defence <04043>; and the Holy One <06918> of Israel <03478> is our king <04428>.                                 LORD               king                                 One              
089:019 Then thou spakest <01696> (8765) in vision <02377> to thy holy one <02623>, and saidst <0559> (8799), I have laid <07737> (8765) help <05828> upon one that is mighty <01368>; I have exalted <07311> (8689) one chosen <0977> (8803) out of the people <05971>.                                                                 saidst         people               exalted      
089:020 I have found <04672> (8804) David <01732> my servant <05650>; with my holy <06944> oil <08081> have I anointed <04886> (8804) him:           David                                                       servant                 holy            
089:021 With whom my hand <03027> shall be established <03559> (8735): mine arm <02220> also shall strengthen <0553> (8762) him.                 arm           hand             established                                                      
089:022 The enemy <0341> (8802) shall not exact <05378> (8686) upon him; nor the son <01121> of wickedness <05766> afflict <06031> (8762) him. son                                       enemy                                                        
089:023 And I will beat down <03807> (8804) his foes <06862> before his face <06440>, and plague <05062> (8799) them that hate <08130> (8764) him.                                                                             face   foes                
089:024 But my faithfulness <0530> and my mercy <02617> shall be with him: and in my name <08034> shall his horn <07161> be exalted <07311> (8799).                       mercy                               faithfulness                               horn   exalted      
089:025 I will set <07760> (8804) his hand <03027> also in the sea <03220>, and his right hand <03225> in the rivers <05104>.                             hand       sea hand                                                         set
089:026 He shall cry <07121> (8799) unto me, Thou art my father <01>, my God <0410>, and the rock <06697> of my salvation <03444>.                                               God                               rock                  
089:027 Also I will make <05414> (8799) him my firstborn <01060>, higher <05945> than the kings <04428> of the earth <0776>.                                                 kings                                             earth  
089:028 My mercy <02617> will I keep <08104> (8799) for him for evermore <05769>, and my covenant <01285> shall stand fast <0539> (8737) with him.       covenant               mercy                                 fast             evermore                          
089:029 His seed <02233> also will I make <07760> (8804) to endure for ever <05703>, and his throne <03678> as the days <03117> of heaven <08064>.                   seed               days         throne                                                   make
089:030 If his children <01121> forsake <05800> (8799) my law <08451>, and walk <03212> (8799) not in my judgments <04941>; children                                                   judgments                                            
089:031 If they break <02490> (8762) my statutes <02708>, and keep <08104> (8799) not my commandments <04687>;                     break                                                                            
089:032 Then will I visit <06485> (8804) their transgression <06588> with the rod <07626>, and their iniquity <05771> with stripes <05061>.                                                                                                  
089:033 Nevertheless my lovingkindness <02617> will I not utterly take <06331> (8686) from him, nor suffer my faithfulness <0530> to fail <08266> (8762).                       lovingkindness                               faithfulness                                          
089:034 My covenant <01285> will I not break <02490> (8762), nor alter <08138> (8762) the thing that is gone out <04161> of my lips <08193>.       covenant             break                                                                            
089:035 Once <0259> have I sworn <07650> (8738) by my holiness <06944> that I will not lie <03576> (8762) unto David <01732>.           David                                                                         holiness       sworn    
089:036 His seed <02233> shall endure for ever <05769>, and his throne <03678> as the sun <08121> before me.                   seed                         throne                         ever                          
089:037 It shall be established <03559> (8735) for ever <05769> as the moon <03394>, and as a faithful <0539> (8737) witness <05707> in heaven <07834>. Selah <05542>.                                           established             faithful     Selah       ever                          
089:038 But thou hast cast off <02186> (8804) and abhorred <03988> (8799), thou hast been wroth <05674> (8694) with thine anointed <04899>.                                                   anointed                 wroth                            
089:039 Thou hast made void <05010> (8765) the covenant <01285> of thy servant <05650>: thou hast profaned <02490> (8765) his crown <05145> by casting it to the ground <0776>.       covenant             profaned                                             servant                           ground  
089:040 Thou hast broken down <06555> (8804) all his hedges <01448>; thou hast brought <07760> (8804) his strong holds <04013> to ruin <04288>.                                                                                                 brought
089:041 All that pass by <05674> (8802) the way <01870> spoil <08155> (8804) him: he is a reproach <02781> to his neighbours <07934>.                           reproach                                         by                            
089:042 Thou hast set up <07311> (8689) the right hand <03225> of his adversaries <06862>; thou hast made all his enemies <0341> (8802) to rejoice <08055> (8689).                                       hand enemies                                       adversaries         up      
089:043 Thou hast also turned <07725> (8686) the edge <06697> of his sword <02719>, and hast not made him to stand <06965> (8689) in the battle <04421>.                                                                               edge                  
089:044 Thou hast made his glory <02892> to cease <07673> (8689), and cast <04048> <00> his throne <03678> down <04048> (8765) to the ground <0776>.                                             throne                                                 ground  
089:045 The days <03117> of his youth <05934> hast thou shortened <07114> (8689): thou hast covered <05844> (8689) him with shame <0955>. Selah <05542>.                                   days                           Selah                                  
089:046 How long, LORD <03068>? wilt thou hide <05641> (8735) thyself for ever <05331>? shall thy wrath <02534> burn <01197> (8799) like fire <0784>?                                 LORD                                                                
089:047 Remember <02142> (8798) how short <02465> my time is: wherefore hast thou made <01254> (8804) all men <01121> <0120> in vain <07723>? men   made         Remember                                                                                  
089:048 What man <01397> is he that liveth <02421> (8799), and shall not see <07200> (8799) death <04194>? shall he deliver <04422> (8762) his soul <05315> from the hand <03027> of the grave <07585>? Selah <05542>.                             hand                                 Selah                                  
089:049 Lord <0136>, where are thy former <07223> lovingkindnesses <02617>, which thou swarest <07650> (8738) unto David <01732> in thy truth <0530>?         Lord David           lovingkindnesses                               truth                                     swarest    
089:050 Remember <02142> (8798), Lord <0136>, the reproach <02781> of thy servants <05650>; how I do bear <05375> (8800) in my bosom <02436> the reproach of all the mighty <07227> people <05971>;         Lord     Remember           reproach                                       servants       people             mighty        
089:051 Wherewith thine enemies <0341> (8802) have reproached <02778> (8765), O LORD <03068>; wherewith they have reproached <02778> (8765) the footsteps <06119> of thine anointed <04899>.                         reproached       LORD       enemies         anointed                                              
089:052 Blessed <01288> (8803) be the LORD <03068> for evermore <05769>. Amen <0543>, and Amen <0543>.                                 LORD                         Amen           evermore